2 Games I Hope Are At E3, And 1 I stopped Caring About.

With E3 closer than we think, there are a few games I hope are there, some realistic, some not so much and one honestly, I just don’t give a damn about anymore. So let us start with the good stuff.

borderkands 3

Borderlands 3, I enjoyed the first, loved the 2nd and even loved the pre sequel as well as the telltale game. So any info on Borderlands 3 would be great to me as long as it was it was coming relatively soon. This comment will make sense later. And that brings me to…

bloodborne 2

Bloodborne 2, above all I am really hoping we get a release date for this bad boy, or at least confirmation that it is in the works. I loved the first one, in fact I still play it to this day on occasion.The story, the game play itself, the setting, the excitement of finding a new boss, it is just a feeling that is hard to recreate. This brings me to my last game

final fantasy 7 remake

This may surprise many of you. Here is why Final Fantasy 7 retro review What I hope FF7 Remake keeps . I love Final Fantasy 7. The original to this day is one of my all time favorite games. Hell I have probably finished the game damn near 30 times from beginning to end. I for years I was the only person I knew that managed to beat emerald and ruby weapon as a kid. So why don’t I care? Well the rumors started back in 2014, with confirmation coming in 2015. That is 3 years ago, with various amounts of information coming and going. From the initial mistaken of saying it would be episodic ( tho it was later clarified it was meant episodic in the way Final Fantasy 13 was, not in the way Telltale games are) and the battle system going from what was originally its turn based active time system to what seems to be more in line with Kingdom hearts or Final Fantasy 15 it is hard to remain excited for a remake that has so far gutted a game you loved so much. While I understand that a lot will need to be changed and things will be added and removed for various reasons as social norms changing and technological changes and even changes within the gaming community, they seem to be alienating not only the original fan base, but many RPG fans as a whole and just gamers in general. A three-year wait on any concrete information, or much new information at all is simply unacceptable to many of us when a game is officially announced and I can’t find myself caring anymore. Best wishes, and may the gaming gods bring you glory.

Author: Savior699

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